2.10 Private broadcasters deliver a minimum of quality
public interest programmes
There are no private TV stations in Lesotho, but there are a few privately owned
radio stations, such as the popular MoAfrika and Harvest FM.
The radio stations do offer public interest programming in the form of talk radio
programmes and news, but on most private radio stations, these programmes
are of poor quality. They are badly produced and most radio presenters are illprepared and untrained for the job.
Panellists noted that the talk radio programmes ‘fan ethnic flames’, as some
people call in to insult others – and the stations seem to support this. ‘There is
a sensationalist agenda in these stations that is working against social cohesion
and nation-building.’
Radio in Lesotho has been used as a platform for denigrating and vilifying
people and political opponents. Panellists, however, noted the important role
played by Catholic Radio in nation-building. The radio station offers a space for
participation and deliberation; providing a voice to all people other than just the
Catholic community.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:








1.7 (2015: 2.3, 2012: n/a, 2010: n/a, 2008: n/a,
2006: n/a)

2.11 The country has a coherent ICT policy and/or the
government implements promotional measures,
which aim to meet the information needs of all
citizens; including marginalised communities
The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) policy was promulgated in
2004, and then adopted as a working document in March 2005. The main driver
of the ICT policy was the Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology.
The Universal Access Fund was established in 2009 by the government in an
attempt to promote access to the internet in rural and other marginalised areas.



Select target paragraph3