The ICT policy was adopted to help the country towards its Vision 2020
national policy plan, however, technology is changing so fast that the ICT policy
is no longer relevant. Post Offices now provide access to the internet in most
communities. Some NGOs are also working towards the promotion of access
to the internet. Development for Peace Education, for example, does this under
its Open Communication for Democracy, Human Rights and Political Education
Despite some positive strides to implement the ICT policy, difficulty in accessing
digital services is still a reality for many in Lesotho.
Digital TV migration was to be completed in 2015, but the switch-over has still
not happened ‘because the country lacked a policy direction and a clear road
map’. The delay in digital TV migration in South Africa also affected Lesotho,
as in May 2015, the countries signed an agreement to minimise potential
radio frequency interference as a result of migrating from an analogue to a
digital broadcasting system. It was understood that in order to minimise said
interference, the migration needs to take place in tandem with South Africa.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:







2.8 (2015: 2.5, 2012: 1.2, 2010: 2.4, 2008: n/a,
2006: n/a)

2.12 Government does not use its power over the
placement of advertisements as a means to
interfere with editorial content
The government uses its power over the placement of advertisements as a
means to interfere with editorial content. A panellist stated that he had seen
a moratorium from the government, stating that the government should not
advertise in certain newspapers. Newspapers that criticise the government face
the possibility of losing government advertising, as in the case of Moletsi-oaBasotho – a Catholic newspaper that published some stories that were critical
of government.



Select target paragraph3