2.9 Media cover the full spectrum of economic,
cultural, political, social, national and local
perspectives and conduct investigative stories
There is a big skew towards politics in both the state and private media in
Journalists in the country, especially in the state media, follow ministers and
in the process neglect community and social stories. Ministers put pressure on
state journalists to cover their stories; an example was given of how the Minister
of Energy wanted the state broadcaster to cover all his nation-wide country
engagements, even though the agenda of the engagement was the same in
each of the areas to which he was travelling.
The dominance of political stories also has to do with resource and capacity
constraints; there is simply no capacity to cover all types of stories. For instance,
in some private media politicians will sponsor journalists to cover government
stories – contributing to the dominance of political stories in the media.
Panellists felt that there is very little investigative reporting in the media, primarily
because of the lack of resources and the juniourisation of the newsroom. There
are too few trained and seasoned journalists in most newsrooms. A newspaper
may break an important story, but there is usually no follow-up or critical analysis
of the issue.
There is also a tendency in Lesotho for journalists to follow each other regarding
coverage, so media cover the same stories.
When stories on social issues do appear in the media, they are often on issues
such as witchcraft or adultery and are often covered by small-scale newspapers
who sensationalise them to sell papers.
There is very little content diversity in the media in Lesotho.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:








2.2 (2015: 2.1, 2012: 1.5, 2010: 3.7, 2008: 2.0,
2006: 4.0)

Select target paragraph3