2.8 All media fairly represent the voices of society and
its minorities in its ethnic, linguistic and religious
Lesotho is a comprised of 12 nations (tribes) of the Sotho ethnic group, which
together make up almost 100% of the country’s population. As such, the
country is a very homogenous nation, not only in terms of the ethnic makeup of
its population, but also regarding religion, language and culture. In this regard,
the media does represent almost all voices of society, although some minority
groups (such as the amaXhosa) are largely ignored and do not receive a great
deal of media coverage.
The religious diversity of Lesotho is made up of Christianity (95%), traditionally
based ancestor worship (3.5%) and a small representation of Islam (less than
0.2%). In this regard, it goes without saying that media content is predominantly
’If the country is predominantly Christian, it is fair to have more media content
that is Christian.’
In Lesotho, lesbianism is not criminalised, but same sex relationships between
men is viewed as sodomy, which is illegal as a common law offence. It is in
this vein that sexual diversity issues are still taboo in Lesotho. The situation is
slowly changing, however, with people becoming increasingly tolerant. This has
to do with advocacy work by organisations such as Matrix (an NGO working to
advocate for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex
individuals (LGBTQI) in the country). Matrix organised Lesotho’s first ever gay
pride march in 2013.
‘There was resistance and hostility, but now there is growing acceptance of
LGBTQI issues. Lesotho has made strides.’

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:










3.4 (2015: 2.0, 2012: 2.0, 2010: 2.2, 2008: n/a,
2006: n/a)

Select target paragraph3