Davison Maruziva, editor of
The Standard, The Standard
newspaper and Professor
Arthur Mutambara, Deputy
Prime Minister designate.

Philip Warington Taylor, a
British journalist

representing Ncube argued
that the evidence against him
violated the Interception of
Communication Act as
Zimpapers accessed his
emails without his consent.
They were jointly charged with 22 October 2008
publishing falsehoods in
violation of the repressive
Access to Information and
Protection of Privacy Act
(AIPPA) as well as contempt
of court as defined in the
Criminal Law (Codification
and Reform) Act. The charges
arise from the publication of
an opinion piece written by
Professor Mutambara. Their
lawyer submitted to Harare
regional magistrate Morgan
Nemadire the need to refer
the matter to a higher court,
citing that the Magistrate
Courts do not have the
jurisdiction to hear the matter
if it is deemed that there was
contempt of court by the
The matter was postponed to
12 November 2008 for ruling
on whether the matter should
or should not be referred to a
superior court.
Arrested on 30 October 2008 3 November 2008
by members of the Central
Intelligence Organisation
(CIO) for allegedly practicing
journalism without
accreditation. He was arrested
aboard his flight which was
about to take off after he had
spent 30 days in Zimbabwe.
Taylor was granted $Z150
000 bail and ordered to
surrender his travel
documents. He was expected
in court on 5 November
2008.Taylor who was
represented by Harrison
Nkomo denied the charges


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