Davison Maruziva, editor of
The Standard and Professor
Arthur Mutambara, leader of
the other formation of the
Movement for Democratic

Bhekinkosi Ncube Editor of

Katherine Chisvo told Gweru
magistrate Irvine Mhlanga that
the state was withdrawing its
case against Muchengeti
owing to lack of evidence.
They are jointly charged with
25 September 2008
publishing falsehoods in
violation of the repressive
Access to Information and
Protection of Privacy Act
(AIPPA) as well as contempt
of court as defined in the
Criminal Law (Codification
and Reform) Act. The charges
arise from the publication of
an opinion piece written by
Professor Mutambara which
was published by the weekly
newspaper. The case was
postponed to 22 October 2008
following a request by
Professor Mutambara who
was travelling to China on the
same date that they appeared
in court.
Surveillance of Zimbabwe
20 October 2008
newspaper group (Zimpapers)
editors since August resulted
in the hacking of private
emails of Bhekinkosi Ncube
that led to his suspension.
Ncube was accused of
insulting the president and the
Tom Ndovi, Zimpapers
Information Technology
manager told the hearing that
he accessed all group editors’
private emails and presented
all findings to the Groups
Chief Executive Officer, Justin
Mutasa told an internal
disciplinary hearing following
Ncube’s suspension that he
authorised the hacking and
admitted that editorial
standards were the
prerogative of a given
Minister. Lawyers


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