Freelance journalist Sydney

Andrew Neshamba, former
Zimbabwe Broadcasting
Corporation Manicaland
bureau chief.

Blessed Mhlanga, James
Muonwa and Wycliff Nyarota,
employed by the Network

political climate in the country
was still volatile and that the
accused were likely to
continue to incite public
Charged with contravening
22 April 2008
Section 15 (1) (c) of the
draconian Public Order and
Security Act (POSA) which
deals with communicating
falsehoods. Was also charged
with contravening the now
repealed Section 83 of AIPPA
which dealt with practicing
journalism without
accreditation. Mutare public
prosecutor Malvern
Musarurwa declined to
prosecute saying the state did
not have sufficient evidence to
warrant prosecution. Saize
was being accused of
peddling falsehoods to Voice
of America’s Studio 7 alleging
that Zanu PF youths, war
veterans and the youth militia
had assaulted two teachers
from Gomorefu Secondary
School in Marange.
Charged with contravening
23 April 2008.
Section 174 (1) (a) of the
Criminal Law (Codification
and Reform) Act (Criminal
Abuse of Duty as Public
Officers). Allegations are that
Neshamba and William
Gumbo on 4 February 2007
facilitated the entry of Peter
Moyo, South African based ETV reporter into Chiadzwa
diamond fields and took video
footage of the minefields. Trial
postponed to 2 June 2008
because the trial magistrate
was not feeling well.
Charged with abuse of
24 April 2008
journalistic privilege in
contravention of Section 80
(a) (ii) of AIPPA It is alleged
that on 26 March 2006, the


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