circumstances while on his
way to work. Lawyers filed an
urgent application compelling
the police to take Chikowore
to hospital, as he was
complaining of abdominal and
chest pains.
Freelance journalist Frank
Chikowore finally appeared in
court together with six other
accused among them Luke
Tamborinyoka, the MDC
secretary for information and
publicity. Charged with public
violence relating to the alleged
torching of a passenger bus in
Harare’s suburb of Warren
Park on 15 April 2008.
Associated Newspapers of
Hearings into the application
Zimbabwe (ANZ) publishers of by ANZ to be licensed
the banned Daily News and
commenced before a special
Daily News on Sunday.
committee of the statutory
Media and Information
Commission (MIC). ANZ
represented by its lawyers
and acting chief executive
officer made representations
before the committee pending
a ruling on the application in
terms of AIPPA.
Freelance journalist Frank
Charged with public violence
relating to the alleged torching
of a passenger bus in
Harare’s suburb of Warren
Park on 15 April 2008.
Magistrate Olivia Mariga
denied Chikowore and his coaccused bail saying the
political climate in the country
was still volatile and that the
accused were likely to
continue to incite public
Freelance journalist Frank
Charged with public violence
relating to the alleged torching
of a passenger bus in
Harare’s suburb of Warren
Park on 15 April 2008.
Magistrate Olivia Mariga
denied Chikowore and his coaccused bail saying the

21 April 2008

21 April 2008

22 April 2008

22 April 2008


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