1.10 Civil society in general and media lobby groups
actively advance the cause of media freedom
The fact that the government is now actively talking about media reform can
be seen as a result of the proactive efforts of civil society, particular on issues
of media freedom and advocacy. The current plans to unbundle the AIPPA
legislation, as well as the crafting of media and film industry policies, is a direct
result of civil society initiatives.
Media organisations have also engaged directly with the police to craft a better
relationship. These relations are now much improved, again, as a result of
lobbying by civil society organisations such as the Media Institute of Southern
Africa (MISA) - Zimbabwe, and the Media Alliance of Zimbabwe (MAZ).
Alerts and awareness-raising initiatives on social media from these civil society
organisations are having a positive impact. There have also been court challenges
to the internet shut down as well as the constitutionality of the criminal
defamation law.
Media practitioners have also played a role in this process, but there needs to be
more co-operation. ‘Practitioners don’t talk as much about their issues as they
should. As journalists, if we don’t speak out on these issues, who is going to
speak for you?’

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:

✓ ✓

✓ ✓





2006: 2.5; 2008: 3.1; 2010: 4.2; 2012: 3.5; 2015: 4.7

1.11 Media legislation evolves from meaningful
consultations among state institutions, citizens
and interest groups
Although there is an Inter-ministerial committee that drafts legislation, the
information given to them by civil society is not often used. The outcome from
government, in contrast to the input from civil society – is often disappointing.
‘There is no sincerity on the part of government.’



Select target paragraph3