Freedom of Information

or well-being, the information officer shall, before giving access to the record of the
information, consult with a health practitioner who, subject to subsection (2), has been
nominated by the applicant or the representative referred to in paragraph (b).
(2) If the person represented in terms of subsection (1)(b) is—


under the age of eighteen years, a person having parental responsibilities for
that person shall make the nomination contemplated in subsection (1); or

(b) incapable of managing his or her own affairs, a person appointed by the
court to manage those affairs must make the nomination contemplated
in subsection (1).


(3) If, after being given access to the record concerned, the health practitioner
consulted is of the opinion that the disclosure of the information to the persons concerned
is likely to cause serious harm to his or her physical or mental health, or well-being,
the information officer may only give access to the information if the applicant proves
to the satisfaction of the information officer that adequate provision has been made for
such counselling or arrangements as are reasonably practicable and necessary before,
during or after the disclosure of the information to limit, alleviate or avoid any harm.
(4) Before access to the information is so given in terms of this section, the
person responsible for the counselling or arrangements shall be given access to the



Language of access

(1) Information must be provided to an applicant in such officially recognised
language as the applicant requests.


(2) Where an entity does not hold the information in the requested language,
the entity concerned shall endeavour to translate it into the requested language and
may recover the reasonable costs of the translation from the applicant.


(1) The applicant shall be notified of the fees due, if any, in terms of section
8(3)(b) for access to information before further processing of the request is carried out.




(2) If the preparation of the information, including any arrangements provided
for in section 13 or section 16 would, in the opinion of the information officer of an
entity, require more than the time prescribed for this purpose in terms of subsection
(4), the information officer may notify the applicant in writing to pay as a deposit an
amount not more than one third of the access fee payable.
(3) An applicant shall pay, in addition to the access fees prescribed in terms
of this section, an additional fee for any time reasonably required in excess of the
prescribed hours to search for and prepare the information requested.
(4) Fees prescribed in terms of this section may reasonably allow for—
(a) the cost of making a copy of the information in any form referred to in
section 13;
(b) the time reasonably required to search for information and preparation
of information;
(c) the costs of translation where a request is made that information released
be made available in a language other than a language in which it is already
held by the entity;
(d) payment for the inspection of any records.

Select target paragraph3