Freedom of Information

(5) The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette—
(a) exempt any person or class of persons from paying any fee referred to in
this section;
(b) determine that any fee referred to in this section is not to exceed a certain
maximum amount;
(c) determine the manner in which any fee referred to in this section is to be
(d) determine that any fee referred to in this section does not apply to a
particular class of information or records.

Reports to Commission


Every responsible person or holder of a statutory office must annually submit to
the Commission a report stating the number of—
(a) requests for access to information received;
(b) requests for access granted in full;
(c) requests for access refused in full or partially and the number of times
a specified provision of this Act was relied on to refuse access in full or
(d) cases in which the periods stipulated in section 8(1) were extended in
terms of section 9;
(e) the number of times that a request for access was regarded as having been
refused in terms of section 10;
(f) such other matters as may be prescribed.




Entities may grant greater access to information

Nothing in this Act shall be construed as preventing or discouraging any entity
from publishing or giving access to information, including information exempt from
disclosure in terms of this Act, where they can properly do so or are required by law
to do so.


Grounds for Refusal of Access to Information

Refusal of access


An entity may refuse to grant access to information only if the information falls
within an exemption provided for in this Part.

Protection of personal information of a third party who is a natural

(1) Subject to subsection (2), an information officer shall refuse a request for
information if the release of the information would involve the disclosure of personal
and confidential information about a third party who is a natural person, including a
deceased person.
(2) A request may not be refused in terms of subsection (1) where—
(a) the third party does not make any representations in terms of section 34(1)
stating why access to the information should not be granted; or
(b) the third party consents to the disclosure; or
(c) the third party has been deceased for more than ten years; or



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