Freedom of Information

(a) through a reasonable opportunity to inspect the information; or
(b) by way of a copy of the information; or
(c) in the case of information that is an article or thing by means of which
sounds or visual images are capable of being reproduced, by making of
suitable arrangements for the person to hear, view, record or copy those
sounds or visual images; or
(d) in the case of information by which words are recorded in a manner in
which they are capable of being reproduced in the form of sound or in
which words are contained in the form of shorthand writing or in codified
form, by the provision of a written transcript; or
(e) in the case of information which is held on a computer, or in electronic or
machine-readable form, and from which the entity concerned is capable of
producing a printed copy of the information or part thereof, by supplying
such a copy; or
(f) in the case of information available or capable of being made available
in computer readable form, by supplying a copy in that form.




(2) Subject to subsection (4), where an applicant has requested access to
information in a particular form, access must be given in that form.
(3) An applicant may amend their preferred form of access (on payment of
any reproduction, translation or transcription fees payable) if access has been granted
in the form initially requested.


(4) If giving access to information in the form requested by an applicant is
likely to—
(a) unreasonably interfere with the operations of the entity concerned; or
(b) be detrimental to the preservation of the information; or
(c) be inappropriate, having regard to the physical nature of the information;
access in that form may be refused if access is given in another form authorised under
this Act.


(5) Where a person requests access to information in a particular form and for
a reason specified in subsection (4), access in that form is refused but access is given
in another form, the reproduction fee charged may not exceed the fee that would have
been charged if the applicant had been given access in the form requested.


Where any information is contained in a record or document with information
protected in terms of this Act, the protected information shall be severed from the
record or document and access to the remainder of the information shall be granted to
the applicant.



Access to health or other records

(1) If an information officer receives, in terms of this Part, a request for access
to information provided by a health practitioner in his or her capacity as such about the
physical or mental health, or well-being—


of an applicant; or

(b) if the request has been made on behalf of a person to whom the record
relates, of that person;
and the information officer is of the opinion that the disclosure of the information
might cause serious harm to the applicant’s or that person’s physical or mental health,


Select target paragraph3