There is little professionalism in most private media. The print media at least makes efforts to
operate as efficient businesses by offering variety of content, quality and timely delivery. In
the broadcasting sector timing is poor with frequent late bulletins and late coverage of events.
Corruption in media houses leads to biases in coverage of events. This is made worse by poor
reward system for staff who then become vulnerable to partisan interests.

Individual scores:

3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 2

Average score:

2.9 (2005= 4.6)

2.11 State print media are not subsidized with tax prayers’ money

There is no state media.
No score on this (2005 no score)

2.12 Government does not use its power over the placement of advertisements as
a means to interfere with media content.
The Government uses its power selectively, directly and indirectly. It can withdraw
advertisements from perceived unfriendly media.
Individual scores:

2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1

Average score:

1.5 (2005= 1.7)

2.13 The advertising market is large enough to maintain a diversity of media outlets.


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