There is no legislation on content and diversity. Vernacular stations have diversity in
language but not in content. Licences are issued for operations without conditions on
programming and promotion of diversity of content. There is therefore media pluralism
without concomitant diversity.
Media have concentrated on dissemination at the expense of creation and production of local
content. Media development has been necessitated by business and not content. In the
broadcast media, some stations resemble mere relay channels for other global stations.
Some programmes are externally funded and have specific interests and issues for specific
seasons. In such cases there may be some variety in content but is never consistent.
There is need to have an environment that encourages media for diversity. This is possible if
stations are not conduits.
Individual scores:

2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 1, 3

Average score:

2.3 (2005=1.5)

2.9 Government promotes a political and economic environment which allows a
diverse media landscape.
The Government does not make any deliberate efforts to create a conducive media
environment. On the contrary, a few positive legislative reforms have been affected on the
initiative of the media themselves and reform agents.
Individual scores:

2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2

Average score:

1.9 (2005=2.9)

2.10 Private media outlets operate as efficient and professional businesses.


Select target paragraph3