Guidelines on media coverage
of elections SADC region



Recognizing the importance of democratic
elections at all levels;

Acknowledging the continuing challenges of
limited access to information during the electoral cycle, amidst election conflict and violence,
throughout elections conducted in adverse environments of intolerance, especially of dominant ruling party states, and state repression;

Noting the important role of free media in promoting democracy, including the conduct of
free and fair elections;

Aware of the continuing deficit of freedom
of expression and media freedom in parts of
Southern Africa;

With due emphasis on the fundamental principle of editorial independence and importance
of the media during election periods;

Mindful of the need for gender-sensitive and
equitable reporting and programming of all information during the electoral cycle;

Firmly guided by the protocols, charters, conventions and guidelines endorsed, signed and/
or ratified by our governments in the region in
their desire to ensure the success of democratic
processes and in particular:
• The African Charter on Human and Peoples‘ Rights (1981),
• The Windhoek Declaration on Promoting
an Independent and Pluralistic African
Press (1991),
• The African Charter on Broadcasting
• The Declaration of Principles on Freedom
of Expression in Africa, adopted by formalresolution by the African Commission on
Human and Peoples’ Rights (2002),
• The SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections (2004)
• The Southern African Broadcasting Association: Guidelines and Principles for Broadcast Coverage of Election in the SADC Re-

Appreciating the diversity of the electorate, especially the different information needs of marginalised communities and differently-abled

e, the participants - journalists, broadcasters, media practitioners, media organisations, media councils and representatives
of electoral management bodies throughout the
SADC region gathered in Johannesburg, South
Africa on 26 September, 2012 for the MISA
Conference on Media and Elections.

gion (2005)
The African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (2007),

Firmly believing that the coverage of elections
by the media should be fair, accurate and balanced;
Recognising the need to take account of the
significant differences which exist between the
private, public and community media in the region as well as the differences between print,
electronic and new media;
Taking into consideration that public service
broadcasters have a particular mandate in ensuring fair and thorough coverage of elections
through equitable distribution of airtime to political parties and candidates.

So This is Democracy? 2015


Select target paragraph3