Determined to assist voters make informed
Hereby agree on, adopt and resolve to abide by
or support the implementation of the following
voluntary guidelines, which media professionals are urged to apply throughout the electoral
– pre-voting, voting and post voting period.

1. Role of the media in elections

The role of the media during the entire electoral
process is to ensure that voters make informed
choices. The coverage of candidates, parties
and electoral processes is in pursuit of this central purpose.
Principal roles of the media in elections are defined as follows:
The media are required to provide relevant
information, analyse it and additionally offer
substantive opinions to the public, while also
serving as a platform for debate and discussion.
Furthermore, the media shall fulfill their watchdog role by promoting transparency and thus
preventing electoral fraud.
The media have a duty to provide election coverage that gives the voter comprehensive, accurate and reliable information on all aspects
of the electoral process. This information will
also help to
ensure that the voters know and understand
their democratic rights and exercise them free
from fear, intimidation or coercion.
As the Fourth Estate the media is expected to:
a) Ensure that journalists are familiar with the
national legislative framework governing
the electoral process and are fully conversant with all aspects of the electoral process, including the electoral institutions;
b) Be familiar with regional and continental
principles and benchmarks on election
c) Provide platforms for accessing information that enable informed analysis and
opinion on elections.


So This is Democracy? 2015

The role of the media is to report during the entire electoral process:
I. Pre-voting
• Electoral management institutions
• Civic education
• Electoral system
• Demarcation of constituencies
• Voter registration
• Voters’ roll
• Candidate or party registration
• Nomination processes
• Official campaign period
II. Voting Period
• Voting days
• Voting procedures,
• Location of polling stations
• Activities at polling stations
• Role of stakeholders at polling stations
• Election monitors
• Election observers and their observations
• Vote counting and results
III. Post Voting Period
• Appointments to office
• Analysis of promises made by the government/governing party
• Holding parties accountable.

2. Conditions necessary for the media
to play an effective role

Freedom of expression, freedom of the media
and access to information are crucial for media
to play these roles effectively. Also of critical importance is that:
a) Media houses provide adequate resources
to their journalists for effective election
b) The media enjoy unfettered editorial and
programming independence from all vested interests including candidates, parties,
media owners and organisations allied to
and/or supporting candidates and political
c) All laws that hinder the media in fulfilling
their role are repealed;
d) All media are allowed access to all elec-

Select target paragraph3