
Adopt and effectively implement legislation and policies ensuring whistleblowerprotection.

Business Sector Companies and
Corporations to:

Civil Society to:


Engage with governments in developing,
enhancing and implementing ATI laws;
Monitor progress on the implementation of
ATI laws including sectoral laws;
Create awareness on ATI and provide assistance to facilitate information access by
the general public as well as by specific
audiences (including women, minority
groups and minority language speakers,
children, rural communities, individuals
with disabilities or living in poverty);
Ensure transparency in their own activities;
Promote September 28 as African and International Right to Information Day and,
in particular, carry out activities on that
date every year to advance the recognition, awareness and enjoyment of the right
of access to information by all sectors of




Public and Private Donors to:



Media to:






Respect editorial independence, professional ethics and journalism standards in
their provision of information;
Recognise the need for transparency and
accountability with regard to their own
output and institutions, while safeguarding
the principal of protecting sources;
Respect and promote equality, and provide
equitable representation within their information output;
Promote the widest possible access to their
information output;
Enhance mechanisms for audience participation and response;
Recognise and be responsive to gender differences in regard to audience and market
Popularise the importance of, and issues
around, access to information.
Make optimum use of ATI laws to access
information for the public interest.

So This is Democracy? 2015

Join multi-stakeholder initiatives promoting transparency including EITI, CoST and
Adopt corporate and social responsibility
(CSR) policies that promote transparency
and accountability, including access to information and protection of whistleblowers;
Proactively disclose information of public
interest including on pollution releases
and other environmental issues;
Support government and CSO efforts to
improve access to information in society.


Ensure that all information relating to the
use of development assistance and its effects are made public;
Ensure that all information relating to development assistance is made available
in conformity with the International Aid
Transparency Initiative (IATI) standards;
Encourage and support governments in the
adoption and full implementation of access to information laws and policies;
Support civil society and governments’ efforts to promote access to information.

Adopted in Cape Town, South Africa, on this
19th Day of September 2011, upon a motion
for adoption moved by Advocate Pansy Tlakula,
Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression
and Access to Information of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, and
seconded by Hon. Norris Tweah, Deputy Minister of Information of the Republic of Liberia.

Select target paragraph3