The African Union, its Organs and







The African Commission on Human and
Peoples’ Rights to promote 28 September
as African Right to Information Day;
The African Commission on Human and
People’s Rights to adopt use this Declaration for a resolution authorising the Special
Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression and
Access to Information to expand Article IV
of the Declaration of Principles on Freedom of Expression in Africa to incorporate
the principles of this Declaration.
The African Commission on Human and
Peoples’ Rights to complete and approve
the proposed Africa Model Law for AU
Member States on Access to Information;
The African Union Commission to take
forward this Declaration by (1) proposing
to the next AU summit in January 2012 to
adopt 28 September as African “Right to
Information Day”; and (2) initiate an Experts Group to develop further instruments
on access to information;
The Pan-African Parliament (PAP) to endorse this Declaration;
All African Union bodies to promote the
respect of the principles in this Declaration
by national governments and provide assistance in implementing them;
The New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) to adopt the revised African
Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), which
includes transparency and access to information;
The African Union should develop and
implement internal policies on access to
information held by AU bodies based on
this Declaration.

Other African Regional Organizations
and Institutions:


All Regional Economic Communities
(RECs) should develop internal policies on
access to information held by those bodies
based on this Declaration;
ECOWAS to review and adopt the Supplementary Act for a Uniform Legal Framework on Freedom of Expression and Right





to Information in West Africa;
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) to revise the Protocol on
Culture, Information and Sport to include
principles on access to information;
Inter-governmental Agency on Development (IGAD) to develop and adopt a Protocol on access to information based on this
The East African Community (EAC) to develop and adopt a Protocol on access to
informationbased on this Declaration;
The African Development Bank (ADB) to
adopt a revised public access policy based
on the Transparency Charter for International Financial Institutions.

National Governments of AU member
states to:






Adopt or revise existing comprehensive
laws on access to information in line with
the principles in this Declaration and the
proposed AU Model Law, and fully implement them;
Harmonise legal frameworks to ensure access to information including repealing or
revising antiquated laws which restrict access and ensuring that new laws are compatible with the ATI principles;
Engage with civil society and other stakeholders to ensure widespread information
demand and effective implementation of
laws and policies to advance access to information by all persons, especially marginalised groups.
Join and implement multi-stakeholder efforts including the Extractive Industries
Transparency Initiative (EITI), the Construction Sector Transparency Initiative (CoST)
and the Medicines Transparency Alliance
(MeTA) to further transparency;
Promote availability of public domain information through ICTs and public access
to ICTs;
Support AU efforts to adopt an instrument
on access to information;
Officially recognise 28 September as International and African “Right to Information

So This is Democracy? 2015


Select target paragraph3