Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.3 (2005 = n/a; 2007 = n/a; 		
2009 = n/a; 2011 = n/a)

2.11 The country has a coherent ICT policy and/or the
government implements promotional measures, which
aim to meet the information needs of all citizens, including marginalised communities.
The country has a policy which might be good. But its implementation does not
seem to have been carried out satisfactorily. For example, there are Community
Multimedia Centres (CMC’s) which were set up in terms of the ICT policy with,
for the whole country, what seems to be the emergence of the civic figure of the
citizen-reporter. And at least one technological centre (that at Maluana, in the
Manica district, Maputo province) was established in the last few years.
But the level of penetration of the ICT’s in the country is still not the best. The fact
of consumer protection is somewhat problematic, or is still at a very poor level,
which is worrying. There are some associations which are in charge of this, at least
formally, but their work is very modest. In 2009, the approval of the Consumer
Protection Act did almost nothing to help improve the scenario.
With regard to digital migration – from anaologue to digital – things seem to be
upside down, at least in terms of political communication. In the middle of 2015,
the switch-off granted at the level of the International Communications Union
(UIT), of which Mozambique is a part, should take place, but there is nothing to
indicate that the transition will be peaceful in Mozambique. In addition to matters
of access to information on the process and the failure to meet deadlines, much
junk mail is being brought from other countries to Mozambique; and with the
migration, there will be more junk mail.
Added to this are the matters of the costs of signal conversion, ich the access
policy and marketing of which are still not public knowledge, over and above the



Select target paragraph3