2.9 Media cover the full spectrum of economic, cultural, political, social, national and local perspectives and
conduct investigative stories.
Most if not all media do not have sufficient economic power to cover everything
which suposedly they should cover. There are some areas of news programmes
which attempt to document the real country. The programme ‘Pólo de
Desenvolvimento’ (Hub of Development) on TVM, is, to a certain extent, one
of these areas. In its turn, RM, and other media are attempting, through their
provincial broadcasters or representatives, to share some information on local
matters, but this is not done consistently and continuously at editorial level, but
sporadically, whcih it coincides with the visits of governors to the districts and in
rural communities.
Regarding investigative journalism, there has been some progress, particularly
regarding the denunciation of bad management of public affairs, but the quality
they undertake in this field, in general terms, is still very poor.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.3 (2005 = 2.4; 2007 = 3.6; 		
2009 = 4.0; 2011 = 3.7)

2.10 Private broadcasters deliver a minimum of quality
public interest programmes.
In general terms, there is minimal quality. On television, in particular, Stv provides
the highlight, being one of the private television producers with considerable
national programming and with acceptable standards of quality. Regarding radio,
there is, at least in the city of Maputo, ‘A Rádio A Politécnica’, (Polytechnic Radio)
which, although new, has stood out, in some way, with the produciton of debates
covering matters of public interest.



Select target paragraph3