Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

4.1 (2005 = 2.6; 2007 = 4.7; 		
2009 = 3.6; 2011 = 3.1)

1.2 The right to freedom of expression is practised and
citizens, including journalists, are asserting their rights
without fear.
Freedom of expression is effectively exercised by citizens and by journalists, in
particular in conventional media, above all in those which are not controlled
directly or indirectly by public authorities, in community media (community radios
in particular), on social media (Facebook and Twitter, more predominantly) and
in some areas provided by platforms like Development Observatories and Open
Presidencies. But there is nothing to indicate that citizens and jounralists are
expressing themselves without fear, since there are many situations of ‘public
repudiation’ of criticisms of the management of public affairs, repeatedly made,
particularly in recent years, by the President of the Republic (PR) himself, Armando
Guebuza, who is responsible, constitutionally, for promoting human rights,
freedom of expression included. For the rest, the PR has been famous, in recent
years, for descriptions of ‘prophets of doom’ and ‘nuts’ when reacting to his
In recent years, fear, even while being recognized as subjective, has increased,
including in academic institutions. The recall of newspapers which were
distributed during the political party’s charter meeting, and the ban imposed on a
Radio Mozambique (RM) journalist from pursuing the function of correspondent
of a foreign media body but which broadcasts and is watched in Mozambique;
the transfer of public officials, particuarly professors, from one place to another
remote place which is very far from the first place, mainly for having exercised their
freedom of expression [political]; the ‘preventative censorship’ of external speakers
from some universities; and the predominance of anonymous citizens taking part
in interactive radio and television programmes about the government, even to
expose situations in the public domain and which are apparently sympathetic in a



Select target paragraph3