democratic context. All of these are clear signals of an intensification of fear and
the reduction of spaces for the exercising of freedom of expression.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.4 (2005 = 3.0; 2007 = 2.9; 		
2009 = 3.0; 2011 = 2.6)

1.3 There are no laws or parts of laws restricting freedom of expression such as excessive official secret, libel acts, legal requirements that restrict the entry into
the journalistic profession or laws that unreasonably
interfere with the functions of media.
In Mozambique, almost 25 years after the approval of the first democratic CRM,
there are laws or parts of laws which restrict freedom of the press, specifically
Law number 12/79 of December 12 (Law of State Secrets), Law number 19/91,
of August 18 (Law of Crimes against State Security), Law Number 16/2012, of
August 14 (Law of Public Probity) and the Press Law itself (Law number 18/91,
of August 10).
This completely or partially restrictive trend is based on the following:


The Law of State Secrets: drawn up in the context of a single party
and war, this legal instrument, although it was not aimed specifically
at the media, does impact on it, as it restricts access to documents
containing information which is in the public interest and therefore
journalistically relevant. In addition to this, the fact of criminalizing
possible publication of such documents, not referred to much less
listed, leaving everything (Article 2) to the criteria, perhaps arbitrary, of
the Head of the SNASP (National Department of Public Security), now


Select target paragraph3