4.6 Journalists and editors do not practise self-censorship in in the private broadcasting and print media.
Self-censorship is predominant, in almost all fields and methods. Some do it
out of fear, others for political self-promotion. In the public sector (Notícias,
Domingo and Desafio included), in particular, self-censorship many times comes
from political mataters, while in the private sector it has to do with commercial
matters. In some cases, this (self-censorship) is also due to organized crime.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.3 (2005 = 2.3; 2007 = 4.5; 		
2009 = 4.3; 2011 = 4.6)

4.7 Media professionals have access to training facilities offering formal qualification programmes as well
as opportunities to upgrade skills.
Indeed there are various opportunities for formal training, which give academic
degrees, in journalism and/or in communication, in particular at the School of
Arts and Communication (ECA), the Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM); the
Polytechnic University; at the Catholic University; at the High School of Journalism;
at the Pedagogical University; in addition to the School of Journalism. In some
cases, training is offered at post-graduate level.
But there is a lack of integration between univerisities and the media industry.
The faculties of journalism and/or communication believe they are almost
completely disconnected from the industry, from possible employers of their
trainees/graduates. The profile of the lecturers themselves is problematic, with
cases of people who have never written a single journalistic article giving strictly
technical classes, simply because they possess a university degree in journalism
and communication. Serving the industry with excellence must be the motto for
universities which offer these courses.



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