2.9.6. The Minister may issue any directive to a service provider not involving any
interception or monitoring of communications, instead of issuing a warrant;
2.9.7. The Minister may likewise amend, revoke and or extend any warrant issued;

Extensions of warrants are for three months and thereafter any further
extensions may be made by way of ex parte application to the Administrative
Court of Zimbabwe by the authorised person seeking such extension;

2.9.9. Persons authorized to apply for interception warrants are limited to the Chief
of Defence Intelligence or his or her nominee; the Director-General of the
President’s department responsible for national security or his or her nominee;
the Commissioner General of the Zimbabwe Republic Police or his or her
nominee; and the Commissioner General of the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority
or his or her nominee.[22]
2.9.10. An application for an interception warrant must identify the person or
customer, if known, whose communication is required to be intercepted; and
the service provider to whom the direction to intercept the communication
must be addressed, if applicable; and the nature and location of the facilities
from which, or the place at which, the communication is to be intercepted, if
known; and full particulars of all the facts and circumstances alleged by the
applicant in support of his or her application; and whether other investigative
procedures have been applied and have failed to produce the required
evidence, or the reason why other investigative procedures appear to be
unlikely to succeed if applied, or whether they involve undue risk to the safety
of members of the public or to those wishing to obtain the required evidence;
the period for which the warrant is required to be issued; and the basis for
believing that communication relating to the ground on which the application
is made will be obtained through the interception; and any other information
which may be required by the Minister for the Minister to make an appropriate

A Monitoring of Interception of Communications Centre (MICC) is

established by the Act for purposes of carrying out lawful interceptions; [23]

Select target paragraph3