enhancing accountability and transparency by security services when discharging their functions.”[52] 4.7.8. Hopefully this mechanism will likewise aid and supplement remedies for victims of unlawful or otherwise wrongful interceptions and or surveillance. As and when it becomes law. 4.11. Protection from private interception|surveillance devices 4.11.1. Whilst the Zimbabwe Act criminalises the unauthorized interception|surveillance of communications, it appears to ignore the prevalence of high level gadgets with such capacity that may be in the hands of private citizens; 4.11.2. It is imperative that, if privacy of persons is to be protected to the maximum, the law not only punishes unlawful interception|surveillance but also sanction the possession, manufacture, sale or other distribution of apparatus with such capacity; 4.12. Protection of journalists’ sources 4.12.1. “61. (2) Every person is entitled to freedom of the media, which freedom includes protection of the confidentiality of journalists’ sources of information… (5) Freedom of expression and freedom of the media exclude (a) incitement to violence; (b) advocacy of hatred or hate speech; (c) malicious injury to a person’s reputation or dignity; or (d) malicious or unwarranted breach of a person’s right to privacy.” 4.12.2. "Media practitioners shall not be required to reveal confidential sources of information or to disclose other material held for journalistic purposes except in accordance with the following principles: ¬ the identity of the source is necessary for the investigation or prosecution of a serious crime, or the defence of a person accused of a criminal offence; ¬ the information or similar information leading to the same result cannot be obtained elsewhere; ¬ the public interest in disclosure outweighs the harm to freedom of expression; and ¬ disclosure has been ordered by a court, after a full hearing."[53]