
10.-(1) A broadband service provider shall ensure that a service
passing through its network is delivered at the level of quality prescribed
under regulation 8.
(2) A broadband service provider shall ensure that the prescribed
quality of service is not impaired on other licensed service providers.
(3) A licensee shall provide connectivity to internet exchange points(s)
for all public internet protocol based services provided to its customers.


11. A licensee shall keep a register of the standard for network
performance parameters as prescribed in the Schedule and be submitted to the
Authority on bi-annually basis for publications.


12. In order to achieve the quality of operating the network to the
prescribed level, a broadband service provider shall(a)
notify the Authority and a customer, of any planned change
in the network capacity, technology, structure and
configuration, within one month of effecting the intended
change; and
provide details relating to any change in the services provided
including traffic and any other changes to the Authority.


13.-(1) Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of these
Regulations where no penalty is expressly provided under the Acts, shall be
liable to pay a fine of the equivalent in Tanzanian shillings of United States
dollars five hundred.
(2) Provided that the Authority shall not impose a fine in sub
regulation (1) unless the licensee fails to rectify such contravention on the
instruction of the Authority.


Select target paragraph3