A8. In Zimbabwe, The Media Committee (comprising of MISA
Zimbabwe, The Media Monitoring Project, FAMWZ/ ZUJ, IJAZ and
Kubatana.net) that was set up by journalists in January 2002 to
look into how concerns over the Access to Information and
Protection of Privacy Act (AIPPA) could be tackled, organised a
report back and consultative meeting for journalists on 19
October 2002. A total of 120 journalists, media practitioners and
other stakeholders attended the meeting in Harare. Resolutions
that were adopted at the end of the meeting called for, among
other things, the set up of a Media Support Fund and the
continued legal challenges against AIPPA. It was also decided
that a public awareness campaign on the dangers of AIPPA be
immediately started.
The campaign has taken the form of print media adverts
highlighting the negative clauses of AIPPA. Other strategies are
still being considered.
In the advocacy work done around AIPPA and the Broadcasting
Services Act (BSA) MISA Zimbabwe realised that a significant
short coming was the lack of adequate public demand from
democratic media legislation. In order to generate public
participation as well as public demand for media law reform, the
Chapter set up Advocacy Committees in 4 towns – Bulawayo, Gweru,
Mutare and Masvingo. Plans are underway to set up similar
committees in Kwekwe and Chinhoyi. The Advocacy Committees are
meant to work as grassroots consultative base for MISA Zimbabwe.
The committees have been assisting in the implementation of the
advocacy programme and the public awareness campaign currently
being run by the organisation. The groups are made up of MISA
Zimbabwe members and other civil society organisations
On 11-13 April, 2002, the Legal department organized the second
Media Lawyers Network conference that was held in Nyanga. The
theme for this year’ s conference was “Under Siege: The role of
legal practitioners in fighting for media freedom”. The
conference was well attended and some of the issues that emerged
at the conference include the following:
Awareness raising around Public Order and Security Act (POSA) ,
Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (AIPPA) and
Broadcasting Services Act (BSA) for the following target groups
Civil society
There was need to connect the three groups together to do the
1. Formulate and strategise for effective advocacy campaigns


Select target paragraph3