television. There was absolutely no need for the felicitation, for it was an expected right for the
political leader to be interviewed and an obligation for the ZNBC to be accessed by any citizen.
6.0 Recommendations
In view of the start of the new year, 2018, it is important for MISA Zambia and various other
stakeholders to draw up a plan of action to tackle and clear the unfinished business adversely
affecting the media landscape in the country. Prominent among such unfinished business are:
Harassment and threats of media practitioners
MISA Zambia should without delay initiate a move to identify and engage authorities that would
effectively stop the continued harassment of and attacks on media practitioners and media houses.
Such engagement should go beyond writing letters of protest or occasional demonstrations.
Enactment of the ATI Bill
The enactment of ATI Bill remains central for the good governance, transparency and
accountability in Zambia. Access to information is imperative even for Members of Parliament
and therefore MISA Zambia should partner with other like-minded stakeholders to maintain the
campaign that would ensure that government expedites the enactment of ATI Bill in the
foreseeable future. The enactment should not be indefinite as it seems now.
Transforming ZNBC into a public service broadcaster
The accolades showered upon the ZNBC for according lengthy coverage of a leader of a political
party should trigger internal organisational review that should enable the government to take
corrective measures of transforming the ZNBC into a true public service broadcaster. Such a move
would also enhance the need to justify any increase in the television levy.
Polarisation of the media in Zambia
Over the years the people of Zambia have embraced the unfortunate reality that the private media
and the public media are polarised. Many a media practitioner and authority acknowledge this
factor, but without remedy. Time is probably opportune to address the problem with a view to
redressing the situation so that the Fourth Estate may regain its “lost” glory of informing the


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