Potential new publications in Zambia
During the second half of 2017, five potential new publications were registered with the National
Archives of Zambia. The five brought the cumulative number of newspapers/magazines registered
with the National Archive of Zambia as at 31 December 2017 to 1027. The five potential
publications are:

Date of registration

Type of publication

Quest Africa

25 July 2017


Financial Express

2 November 2017



22 November 2017


Zambian Punch

4 December 2017


Cars and Bikes

14 December 2017


Source: National Archives of Zambia
5.0 Conclusion
The final presidential assent to ZNBC (Amendment) Bill, 2017 and IBA (Amendment) Bill, 2017
should impose serious obligations on the institutions that will collect the television levy to fully
account of the amounts collected and for institutions that will utilise the money allocated to clearly
explain how the revenue is utilised. This is the only way that the public or subscribers will
appreciate payment of television levy.
The harassment, intimidation, threats and attacks – blatant or implied – of media personnel and
media houses should never be tolerated at this time and age of civility. Every effort should be made
to ensure that media practitioners undertake their critical work of informing the public in a peaceful
and safe environment.
The government needs to actualise the ideal of making the ZNBC a truly public service broadcaster
by dismantling barriers that impede this change. There is seeming reluctance at different levels –
whether at management or high ruling party echelon - to transform the ZNBC. It is no wonder the
ZNBC was congratulated for allowing a leader of a political party to be interviewed on its


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