and we believe that when we are dreaming together we create new reality,” Ms. Kuzmenko
Meanwhile, parents to the children could not hide their joy towards the development. A parent,
Loveness Banda expressed gratitude to government for offering educational classes for
children battling cancer, indicating that it helps them with learning even when in hospital.
Communique-25th November (Lusaka Times)
Communication Forum for Africa that begun yesterday has closed today with stakeholders
calling for positive branding of countries. And Minister of Information and Broadcasting
Services Dora Siliya has urged the media in the country to embrace positive branding of
Zambia through their reporting and programming.
Ms. Siliya explained that journalists and other communicators are champions of investments
in any given country hence the need for them to project a positive picture of the nation.
Speaking at the closing in ceremony of the World Communication Forum for Africa in
Chongwe’s Bonanza Resort area, Ms. Siliya said bad branding of the country breeds economic
“Journalists and other communicators are ambassadors of any country’s economy and
therefore should brand the country positively. I urge all communicators in Zambia to brand
the country positively and explain to the people what developmental activities government is
implementing and all communicators should not follow the agendas of other communicators
from other countries as they have serious impacts on the economy,” she stressed.
The Chief Government spokesperson pointed out that the country does not get tangible
investments as a result of negative reporting. She indicated that government is doing everything
possible to deliver social and other basic services to the general citizenry.
She cited the 234 people that apply for power connection from the electricity company ZESCO
on a weekly basis as among the pointers of the growth of the economy in the housing and
infrastructure sector.
Ms Siliya stated that the country will soon have sustainable power supply when the Kafue
George power station is commissioned. And Zambian Ambassador to Ethiopia Emmanuel
Mwamba echoed that the World Communication Forum was a reset button for the development
of the country.
Mr Mwamba was optimistic that the country will have a positive brand within and outside
Africa due to the detailed discussions that took place. He was quick to mention that every
Zambian at home and abroad should embrace the national values and national icons as they
are key pillars to positive branding of the country.
“This forum has helped Zambia to have once again the positive image in and outside Africa.
As communicators and envoys of this country, we have a huge task to carry forward this reset

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