She said while traditional media was still appreciated by many, the advert of new media
platforms meant that more people were currently online and hence it was prudent to embrace
both platforms.
Communique-25th November (Lusaka Times)
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services Permanent Secretary, Amos Malupenga
has called on the media fraternity to prioritize their reporting on science and technology topics.
Mr. Malupenga observed that the media has concentrated their reporting on politics at the
expense of various developmental programmes.
Speaking when Russian Delegates to the Communication Conference visited the University
Teaching Hospital (UTH) Cancer Diseases, Children’s Wing, Mr. Malupenga explained that
the media should be able to bring out both successful and challenging stories that may spark
support from stakeholders.
The Permanent Secretary stated that UTH Cancer Diseases Hospital has achieved a lot of
successes that needs to be brought to the attention of the Public to attract support so that they
keep moving.
“We want to challenge all the communicators to prioritize science and technology reporting
because everything hinges around the subject,” The Permanent Secretary indicated.
He commended Unity Foundation, a Russian Non-Governmental Organization for introducing
the dreamer space for art project, saying that it will help relieve the pressure among children
suffering from cancer.
He stated that it will also give hope to the children who have spent most of their time in the
hospital that they too are capable of doing great things in life.
And Russia Unity Foundation Founder Alena Kuzmenko disclosed that the aim of the project
is to ensure that children suffering from diseases such cancer, too see their dreams through
Ms. Kuzmenko explained that the project involves children around the world who paint their
dreams and their paintings are exhibited on a spacesuit used by those who go to space using
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
She noted that the project is an inspiration to children with serious diseases to divert their
attention towards art so that it helps them forget about the diseases they are suffering from
even just for a little while.
She revealed the foundation was working with seven countries across the world making Zambia
the Eighth and first in Africa.
“Currently we are working on a Dreamer Spacesuit which will fly to space in February 2021
and has already been painted in seven countries and 14 cities. Lusaka will be the 15th city and
Zambia the 8th country. And the dreams of the kids from Zambia will see the stars very soon
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