button of our nation and I am sure that maximum development will be attracted soon,” he
Mr Mwamba urged the general citizenry to embrace social media as a tool to development as
has no physical barriers. Republican Vice President Inonge Wina yesterday opened the forum
with a call for countries to come up with strategies that will address the negative branding on
various economies by the digital era.
Communique-4th December (Zambia Daily Mail)
The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) and the Zambian Daily Mail Limited have signed a
memorandum of understanding (MoU) aimed at providing a framework for cooperation in
publishing adverts, advertorial and editorial content centered on energy related matters.
During the signing of the MoU with the country’s leading newspaper yesterday, ERB Executive
Director Langiwe Lungu said ERB intends to co-publish news articles, features and columns
to be more visible and accessible to consumers, licensees, investors, traders and emerging
businesses. among stakeholders.
She said ERB believes its regulatory role will be appreciated more when deliberate efforts are
made to forge links with key media houses like the Daily Mail.
Ms. Lungu said that, through the MoU, ERB will access concessional advertising rates in the
Daily Mail while it (ERB) will be required to prioritize the national newspapers on the list of
companies it publicizes with.
She said the partnership with Daily Mail will help increases ERB’s credibility and create the
correct narrative, which is often misunderstood and misrepresented.
“We are wrongly understood, but this development will create the correct awareness, for
example. Many people think we procure fuel, yet we just regulate policies governing the
sector”, she said.
Ms. Lungu said ERB will seek to safeguard interests of stakeholders as it continues to seek
ways to further Interact and be more visible and accessible to stakeholders and consumers.
“we need these credible platforms for the public to not only appreciate our work and access
correct information regarding the energy sector, but also to provide a feedback mechanism on
equality of service and product provided by licensees.
“Through your (Daily Mail) platforms we hope to share information on many of our regulatory
activities such as issuance of licenses and interventions to ensure our processes are efficient
and free of corruption and related vices,” Ms. Lungu said.
Zambia Daly Mail Limited managing Director Nebat Mbewe said the public need to be
constantly informed of the happenings in the energy sector as drives the economy. “But
information has to be credible from credible sources through credible platforms.
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