physical, psychological and safety of journalism, in accordance with international standards
laid down in the united Nations plan of action on the safety of journalists,”.
Siliya said the policy on the media development would help expand the industry for the benefit
of all citizens. “With the media Development policy in place the stage is set for the media to
grow and contribute not only to a well- informed citizenry, but also to job and wealth creation.
It is, therefore, government’s expectation that this policy provides a level playing field for
private sector investigation and involvement in the media industry,” she said.
“Times has come where the media should not only be seen as issue of the pen and notebook,
but critically as a true business and economic engine of the country. Government wants to see
this giant of an industry wake up and play its full and rightful role in national development,”
Siliya emphasized that the media policy was not just for selected players in the industry but
She said as a servant of the people, the government had a duty to inform then constantly. “This
policy, therefore, is for all the players in the media industry and its success will hinge on the
support and cooperation of all stakeholders.
The media is a strategic sector and cannot prosper without clear guidelines and guidance in
form of policy,” said Siliya.
“The Government is a servant of the people and it draws its mandate to govern from them, as
such government has a duty to constantly inform the people how it is suing that mandate to
improve their welfare. In the same vein. People also should provide feedback to the government
on their expectations from the government.
Through my Ministry government has, therefore, developed the communication policy
premised on its commitment to democratic governance that places high premium on proactive
coordinated and consisted dissemination of information to public,”
Communique-25th November (Times of Zambia)
Communicators from both private and public organisations must maintain a visible presence
online because many people are now using different social media platforms, Zimbabwe
Minister of Information, publicity and Broadcasting Services Monica Mutsvangwa has said.
Ms. Mutsvangwa said communications from government departments, ministries and others
organisations cannot afford to be absent on social media at a time when people were online
She said her ministry gad an active presence on different social media platforms including
Facebook, twitter Instagram, among others, to regularly engage the public and defend the
Zimbabwe government.
Ms. Musvangwa was speaking in Lusaka yesterday when she gave a key note address during
the official opening of the World Communication Forum Africa (WCFA) being held at Bonanza
resort under the theme “Communication on a Changing World: Challenges and chances.”
Ms. Mutsvangwa said organisations should be ready to protect their brands from both positive
and negative comments posted on social media.

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