MISA Zambia, I would like to report the harassment and threats by Luapula Provincial
Minister Mr. Nickson Chilangwa who threatened that he would deal with me if I continue
asking provocative questions which he feels are disturbing Luapula province.
In the same letter to MISA Zambia, Mr. Malambo further claimed that the words uttered by the
Provincial Minister also bordered on tribal remarks, and where spoken in the presence of senior
government officials that included Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya, Mrs. Mumbi Phiri,
Milenge candidate Mr. Chanda Masheke and Mr. Anthony Kasandwe among other senior party
In another development, the quarter under review also recorded cases of attacks on radio stations.
It was reported that on the 10th October, 2019, The News Diggers Newspaper Publication carried
a headline MISA condemns ‘masked assailants’ for storming Pasme Radio in Petauke’.
It was reported that seven masked assailants had stormed Pasme Radio Station in Petauke district
and disrupted a programme which was supposed to feature UPND officials.
Further to the reports of attacks at Pasme radio, it was also reported that some Livingstone City
Council Police officers attacked a Prime TV reporter who was filming them as they confiscated
food items from vendors. Facts of the matter were that Elias Limwanya, a Journalist from Prime
TV based in Livingstone was attacked and his camera damaged by some officers from the
Livingstone City Council Police.
The incident happed on 7th October 2019 when the Mr. Limwanya was attacked by some officers
from the Livingstone City Council Police whilst filming the officers confiscate food items from
suspected vendor.
In a show of concern, MISA Zambia, reacted strongly to the attacks. In a statement, MISA Zambia
Chairperson Ms. Helen Mwale, expressed sadness at the happenings. She stated that:
“We are saddened by reports of harassment. We understand that in an attempt to stop the
journalists from filming, the officers tried to grab the camera and in the process led to its
damage,” read the statement. “Another incident of concern was the harassment of Joseph
Tembo, a presenter at Pasme radio station in Petauke district. This occurred on Saturday,
5th October 2019 during the airing of the live radio programme dubbed ‘Let the people


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