Meanwhile, the Radio Phoenix Journalist was found wanting because of highlighting the
disappearance of the animals and giving space to Ms. Nsama Learns on Radio Phoenix news
In other news, the quarter under review also witnessed cases of harassment from political party
cadres. On 7th November 2019, Kalemba publication carried a headline “Journalist reports MMD
Cadres To Police For Threats and Harassment.” It was reported that a journalist by the name of
Arthur Davies Sikopo had reported MMD cadres to Woodlands Police Station in Lusaka for threats
and harassment.
The newspaper reported that Davies Sikopo was attacked after covering a press briefing addressed
by the party's president Dr. Nevers Mumba. It was further reported that Sikopo was accosted by
cadres who attempted to drag him out for unknown reasons.
Kalemba further reported that:
The Zambezi FM reporter, however acted quickly and ran to where Dr. Mumba was
standing and reported the cadres. Dr. Mumba and other party officials assured Sikopo that
he was safe and welcome to cover the MMD any time.
But as he headed out of the premises of the party headquarters in Lusaka's Kabulonga
area, the cadres charged at him again, warning him that they would "sort him out"
wherever they found him alone. Fearing to be attacked, Sikopo remained in a hidden
corner within the party offices until he was whisked out in a vehicle by fellow journalists.
Sikopo has confirmed that he has since reported the matter to Woodlands Police Station and as of
20th February 2020, nothing has been done about the threats on the journalist’s life.
In similar circumstances, on the 15th November, 2019 it was reported that a journalist working
with Prime TV had been threatened with verbal and physical abuse if he continues to ask
provocative questions to the Provincial administration.
Jubilee Malambo a journalist with Prime TV in a letter to MISA Zambia expressed the following


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