Talk.’ We are gravely concerned that about seven masked assailants stormed the radio
station and disrupted the airing of the radio Programme just when it was about to feature
United Party for National Development (UPND) officials. We therefore call on authorities
to address the security of the media and ensure that no assailant and media freedom
violator is allowed to go unpunished.”
“Needless to say, media freedom and freedom of expression are cardinal to the functioning
of democracy and reports of assailants and law enforcers violating these rights and
freedoms have no regard for the Zambian constitution which the Zambian people gave
themselves as the supreme law of the land. Devoid of media freedom and freedom of
speech, political parties cannot market their manifesto whilst media will not hold
government accountable and play their informative role. This will lead to citizens making
uninformed decisions and unable to participate in the governance process and choose
leaders of their choice,” stated Mwale.
“We wish to reiterate that no party in Zambia must impose its leadership on the Zambian
people. We further wish to remind all media houses to be vigilant and make sure they
identify culprits of media freedom violations and report such cases to both police and MISA
Zambia in order to bring such culprits to book.”
Further to the harassments on journalists, it was reported on the 16th November, 2019 in the News
Diggers Newspaper publication under the heading “Cop Threatens To Shoot Journalist During
Kambwili Interrogation”.
It was reported that in the process of questioning the NDC leader, Mr. Chishimba Kambwili in
connection with a ‘breach of the Public Order Act’ after he toured Chisokone Market, a police
officer cocked his AK47 rifle and pointed it at the News Diggers! journalist and threatened to
shoot for documenting Kambwili’s extraction from Lunte Lodge.
The News Diggers! narrated that:
After holding a rally in Luanshya, Kambwili went to Lunte Lodge in Kitwe where his
entourage had set camp. But around 18:40 hours, about 20 police officers in riot gear


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