As from February 2012 the ZMC demanded that foreign newspapers that
specifically target the Zimbabwean market such as the South Africa-based Sunday
Times or The Zimbabwean should also register with the commission, because
the law provides for the establishment of a representative office in Zimbabwe
for foreign media houses that publish and distribute such products in Zimbabwe.
The conflict was unresolved at the time of the panel meeting.
As from February 2012 the ZMC demanded that foreign newspapers that also
target the Zimbabwean market such as the South Africa-based Sunday Times or
Mail & Guardian also register with the commission, because the law prescribes
that they have to have an office in Zimbabwe. The conflict was unresolved at the
time of the panel meeting.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.1 (2010:1.0; 2008:n/a; 2006: n/a)

1.6 Entry into and practice of the journalistic profession is not restricted by law.
Journalists are expected to apply for accreditation with the Zimbabwe Media
Commission but this is no longer compulsory since AIPPA was amended in 2007.
Section 79 of AIPPA states:
(1) A mass media service or news agency shall make a block application
or individual applications for accreditation in terms of this section on
behalf of all or any journalists employed by it on a full-time basis.
(2) A part-time or freelance journalist may, if he or she so wishes, make
[an] application on his or her own behalf for accreditation in terms of
this section.
This section is reinforced by Section 42D (a) which gives the ZMC the power,
on the recommendation of the (still to be established, statutory) Media Council,
to suspend the accreditation of a journalist, impose conditions under which a
journalist may be allowed to practice, or withdraw his accreditation.



Select target paragraph3