Since the formation of the Inclusive Government in 2009 there have been reports
of new laws in the making to replace AIPPA, such as the Freedom of Information
Act and the Media Practitioners Act. No actual steps have been taken in this
direction though.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

1.6 (2010:1.0; 2008: n/a; 2006: n/a)

1.5 Print publications are not required to obtain permission to publish from state authorities.
Print publications are required to obtain permission from the Zimbabwe Media
Commission (ZMC) under section 66 and 90 of AIPPA. Failure to comply with the
registration requirement is a criminal offence attracting a fine or imprisonment of
up to eighteen months. Only in-house newsletters as well as parliamentary and
religious publications are exempt from this requirement.
Media houses have to pay significant fees on applying for registration and rather
steep statutory levies on an annual basis.
When the ZMC was formed in 2009, media organisations were opposed to the
Commission because it is administered under the contested AIPPA and because,
as a statutory body, it contravenes the principle of self-regulation of the media. For
the time being, however, they are tolerating its existence “grudgingly” because it
provides the only available legal way to get new print media on the streets.
Virtually all print media organisations that applied to the Zimbabwe Media
Commission have been granted licences, with the exception of a few applicants
who did not comply with the requirements contained in the law. Over 30 media
houses have been registered since the establishment of the Zimbabwe Media
For instance, media organisations whose majority shareholding was comprised of
non-Zimbabweans when AIPPA specifically stipulates that the controlling stake in
a registered Media House should be with a Zimbabwean or Zimbabweans.



Select target paragraph3