of television programmes (content providers). IBA has issued a carrier licence
and content licence, although the Act does not allow this. This enables them to
essentially monopolise both areas.
In addition, a private station wishing to broadcast on these platforms can be
further disadvantaged by being downgraded from a High Definition (HD) signal,
meaning their channels will not look as professional as others.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:








2017 = 3.2

2.6 Government promotes a diverse media landscape
with economically sustainable and independent
media outlets
Before 1991 there was a limited choice of broadcasting stations. Now, this has
expanded, but whether the plethora of broadcasters is economically sustainable
is debatable. It is believed that the mushrooming of community radio stations
cannot be sustained, and that many will fold over time.
Apart from ZNBC, television and commercial/community radio stations are
licensed through the IBA, whose mission is to promote a plural and diverse media
A film policy is in place, providing Zambian film producers with funds to produce
local films. Local producers then will give this content to local carriers such as
TopStar. However, they will then say there is not enough revenue and even ask
the producers of the content to pay for it themselves.
The Zambia Revenue Authority lists exemptions on importing broadcasting
equipment, but they are very specific. For instance, with a radio station, they will
refer only to the microphone and mixer as tax-exempt. If you have imported an
amplifier for your station, they will then demand tax on that. They have come up
with very specific lists of items that are included and excluded for tax purposes.
There is also a department – the Press and Media Development Department
(PMD) within the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services. However, it
is not entirely clear what their activities are.



Select target paragraph3