State of the media report Q1-2021

Researcher Mr Pryd Chita and MISA Zambia Finance and Administration Officer Mr Vincent Phiri.
Among the issues raised by MISA Zambia included the below issues:

Haguta informed the Zambia Police in his presentation that though Zambia Police do try to address
the scourge of cadres attacking radio stations, there were very few arrests and escalation of matters to
the courts of law and convictions.
Safety of Journalists during Elections
Mr Haguta raised concern over the safety of journalists as the elections were approaching and during
volatile events. He explained that journalists were usually harassed and at times arrested together with
riotous citizens. He said there was need for Zambia Police to ensure media safety during such periods
or events.
Permission versus Notice
Safety of the media
Mr Haguta said whilst the intention of the radio station informing the Zambia Police was to alert them
and prepare them for an eventuality when the station is featuring an opposition leader, the police
treated such a notice as a request which can be denied or permitted by police. MISA Zambia said this
should not be the case. He said it is as though they were applying the Public Order Act on broadcast
Responses from Zambia Police
Informing the Police to Enhance Preparedness
All radio and TV stations should be informing their nearest police stations on programmes featuring
politicians or programmes of a political nature. This will ensure the police place officers on standby in
case of a fracas. The notice is not to prevent media from airing the radio programmes they clarified
Improved Moderation for Improved Peaceful Dialogue
Investigations by Zambia Police also revealed that regulation of the programmes has to improve. The
moderators must not incite the panel or discussants. They are not fully able to control the discussants


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