State of the media report Q1-2021

in cases where they use insulting language, hate speech or demeaning terms. It was suggested that
moderators must have discussions with panellists before a programme goes on air to agree on
parameters and civility in the discussion.
The police called for training of moderators to ensure peaceful discussions that promote peaceful and
meaningful dialogue on radio and TV. When discussions include hate speech, demeaning language
and endanger peace, police are usually forced to stop such programmes because their interest is to
preserve the peace.
Informing Police is Not Seeking Permission
While there is a need for local stations to inform the local command on impending political party
programmes that may endanger public safety or peace, the police command in such areas do not have
the mandate to stop any programme. Zambia Police was working to communicate to all its officers not
to prevent airing of any political programme. MISA Zambia made an appeal that this should be done
Journalists’ Identification
In terms of public rallies and volatile events, Zambia Police said there is need for journalists to have
identification that can easily allow police to protect them and allow them to do their work. The reason
most journalists are arrested alongside protestors or unruly crowds is the lack of identification. The
identification must have security features and should not be easy to replicate.
Zambia Police Interventions
Trip by Deputy Inspector General to the Northern Part of Zambia
Zambia Police travelled to the areas where the media houses were being attacked by PF cadres to
obtain further understanding on reasons behind the attacks. The Deputy Inspector General Mr
Mweene travelled to engage the political parties and police officers to discuss the need to preserve
peace and engage in peaceful dialogue. He explained that his team engaged in this for the sake of
preserving the peace of the nation.
Media Interactions to Improve Knowledge Among Media Workers on Police Operations
He said the Zambia Police had outlined a number of interventions to address the violations the media
suffer and to improve media safety during the elections and volatile events. MISA Zambia informed
the Zambia Police that it will be hosting workshops at which it will be inviting the Zambia Police
Service to educate the journalists on operations of the police and the need to preserve peace in the
nation through responsible and peace building journalism. The Zambia Police further indicated that

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