State of the media report Q1-2021

It is commendable that police responded and quelled the situation in the Liberty Radio attack and also
made arrests a few days after the attack on Radio Chete4. This is markedly different from the scenario
in the first quarter of 2020 in which severe attacks were carried out by cadres with impunity and no
arrests were made despite police reportedly on site during some of the attacks.
It is, therefore, important for police to intensify their response and act without fear or favour in order
to root out such harmful traits that undermine media freedom. Below is a table summarising reported
attacks and violations on media houses/practitioners that were recorded in the first quarter of 2021.It
is, therefore, concerning as shown in the table above, that the trend of political attacks against media
outlets was still noted in the quarter under review. There is need for close collaboration between





9th February,

PF cadres ransacked and damaged
property at Liberty Radio in an
attempt to block DP president Harry
Kalaba from featuring on a paid-for

Liberty Radio

Mporokoso Damage reportedWindows and

21st February,

PF cadres violently disrupt a radio
programme on Radio Luswepo
featuring DP president Harry Kalaba

Radio Luswepo


Damage reportedWire-fence and
other private

10th March, 2021

PF cadres teargas Radio Chete for
featuring UPND provincial
chairman, Mathews Chilekwa and
an aspiring candidate

Chete FM


None reported

police and media houses/associations to find a lasting solution to the continued attacks on media
houses. It is thus commendable that Zambia Police agreed to a meeting called by MISA Zambia on
24th March 2021 at Zambia Police Force Headquarters where the two entities agreed on a number of
interventions to enhance media –police relations and safety of journalists during elections and volatile
events. The MISA Zambia Vice Chairperson Mr Hyde Haguta led the MISA Zambia delegation
comprising of MISA Zambia Acting National Director Ms Jane Chirwa, MISA Zambia Lead


On 12th March, Police spokesperson, Esther Katongo, announced that four people had been arrested in
connection with the assault of some UPND cadres at Radio Chete. She said the suspects are alleged to have
assaulted some UPND supporters outside the Radio Station and further pepper-sprayed them. They fled the
scene and were arrested the following day. See

Select target paragraph3