Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

(2011: n/a; 2009: n/a; 2007: n/a; 2005:n/a)

2.11 The country has a coherent ICT policy and/or the
government implements promotional measures, which
aim to meet the information needs of all citizens, including marginalised communities.
Zambia has a formal Information and Communications Technology (ICT) policy,
which is considered “coherent” and “fairly good as a starting point”. The
ICT policy facilitated the enactment of the ICT Act of 2009 and the Electronic
Communications and Transactions Act. “On paper, it’s a good policy, but the
problem is with implementation.” There remains, however, a need for additional
provisions, given the continuous emergence of new technologies. Based on the
policy, the government is supposed to put in place certain laws, such as the
Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, which calls for the establishment
of telecentres. However, funds have not been set aside for these activities.
The act provides for the establishment of computer rooms in schools so the
government has engaged in a public-private partnership with Airtel to this effect.
However, “much can still be done in terms of education and preparing teachers
who will teach ICT classes”, and there is a need for greater investment in technical
The government has realised the high cost of setting up transmitters, routers,
and so forth, and is looking at ways to reduce wastage of resources and to avoid
duplication of masts for different internet service providers.
There is a draft digital migration policy in place that has been marked secret. It
is the document that outlines how Zambia should migrate by the year 2015 as
set by the ICTU. This policy was marked secret even if it was circulated to MISA
Zambia for comment by the state. Zambia has missed the SADC 2013 deadline
to switch at the end of this year. There has been no public sensitisation on digital



Select target paragraph3