migration, and the policy remains absent from the public sphere. “A lot of time
has been wasted, and I don’t know if that time can be recovered.”

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

(2011:4.1; 2009: 1.7; 2007: n/a; 2005: n/a)

2.12 Government does not use its power over the
placement of advertisements as a means to interfere
with editorial content.
The government uses its power regarding the placement of advertisements, as
in the case of the Daily Nation, whereby government instructed its ministries and
agencies not to advertise in the newspaper because of its critical stance.
“There was (also) a time when the previous government did not place ads in The
Post because of its criticism of the MMD. However, at the time, the government
knew that it needed to advertise in The Post because it had the largest circulation
and this could not be ignored. It was noted that this ‘ban’ was never formally
pronounced or lifted.
Although the government tries to wield its advertising power in this way, it is also
not completely reliable in paying its bills on time. As such, restrictions on adspend
may not have a real impact on the sustainability of media houses. “You’d be
amazed to know how much government actually defaults on paying for ads.”
The Post has been lucky to get advertising from government, but more than half
hasn’t been paid for yet, and it looks like it won’t be paid any time soon.” A
directive was issued recently by the government for advertising payments to be
made upfront.
The Public Procurement Policy clearly states that tender advertisements should be
placed in both private and public media. So, legally, the government “can’t be
selective” about where it advertises tenders.



Select target paragraph3