Reporting Elections, Safety and Security of Journalists


When: check the dates. What is the context – is it
Check your own biases. We believe what we already
Ask experts.

For images/videos
Check the photograph or video to verify if the visual data
matches with the supplied details, for things like:
Signage; Language (on billboards, T-shirts, food
packaging); flags or emblems); license plates on cars;
where is the driver’s seat placed; geographical features;
architectural features and visible weather conditions.
Many false images are circulated during elections for
propaganda and campaign purposes, and journalists
should acquire skills to detect them, including through
reverse image searches for images.
Propaganda and Electioneering
Rival Zimbabwean political parties and allied supportive
structures are heavily invested in election propaganda
involving massive disinformation, mal-information and
Journalists and media houses stand a huge risk of getting
sucked and sullied by the propaganda and electioneering
campaigns if they disseminate information from the
competing parties and their supporters without verifying
Essential guidelines
Respect for truth and for the right of the public to truth is
the first duty of the journalist.


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