Reporting Elections, Safety and Security of Journalists



themselves freely when good quality informa- tion is
available to voters and citizens. Fake news disrupts
the information ecosystem.
Poorly informed voters are unlikely to make good
choices during elections. This often leads to the
election of incompetent, corrupt governments. The
long-term effects of this are the erosion of public
confidence in the democratic process as well as the
emergence of populist, undemocratic regimes.
Fake news also tends to deepen divisions and incite

Why fact-checking is important
Given the evident threat that information disorder
(or fake news) is to democracy and social cohesion,
there have been attempts to combat this phenomenon
using regulation.
Some undemocratic governments have also sought to
use the emergence of ‘fake news’ as
an excuse to stifle media freedom and free
The regulation route poses obvious risks to
A more effective way of fighting the information
disorder is by equipping citizens with the tools
they can use to evaluate the information they receive.
This is why fact-checking is vital.
Basic Fact-checking steps
1. Who said it?
2. Verify with other sources


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