Reporting Elections, Safety and Security of Journalists

In pursuance of this duty, the journalist shall at all times
defend the principles of freedom of expression in the
honest collection and dissemination of news and the right
to fair comment and criticism.
Check and recheck-check and recheck the facts to avoid
being sold dummies by those with hidden agendas.
Be wary of devious politicians for they will go to any
lengths to discredit their opponents in order to get into
Search for new voices, views and comments and
explanations from diverse news sources. The journalist
shall not suppress essential information or falsify
The journalist shall do the utmost to rectify any published
information which is found to be harmfully inaccurate.
The journalist shall observe professional secrecy
regarding the source of information obtained
in confidence.
The journalist shall not be the purveyor of discrimination
based on race, gender, sexual orientation, tribe, ethnicity,
language, religion or political affiliation.
Never compromise on professional integrity. Journalists’
stock in trade should be anchored in the codes and
ethics of the profession as espoused by various media
houses, media representative and media development


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