The country has a coherent ICT policy, which
aims to meet the information needs of all citizens,
including marginalised communities.
Since 2005, the State has developed a policy on information and communication
technology (ICT) and a strategic plan for its implementation.
The Information and Communication Technology Agency (AGETIC) has been
created by decree N° 05- 002 of January 10, 2005 as a public science and technology
institution. It is responsible, among others, for ensuring the implementation of
the ICT national strategy. This involves coordinating with all stakeholders in the
media sector (public, private, civil society, and technical and financial partners)
and the implementation of the National Policy and ICT National Strategic Plan
adopted by the Government in June 2005.
To improve efficiency, the Government has recommended that certain sectors
be progressively implemented according to technology developments and the
level of mobilisation of resources. These sectors include the development of ICT
infrastructures and the popularisation of internet access by connecting Malian
Accordingly, a group of national experts, who are responsible for the development
of cyber national policy in the area of communication, was established in February
The Government’s priority is to improve access to technology in rural
areas, in accordance with a project to connect the 703 zones of Mali, but also
to facilitate the transition from analogue to digital broadcasting by 2015. In
this regard, technical and financial partners have already installed community
multimedia centres (CMC) at the radio stations of some villages, or, alternatively,
local centres of information and technology.
Mali’s media has a very small internet presence. Only a few media organisations
like the national daily newspaper, L’Essor, have internet sites comprising the same
content as the print version.



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