3.0. Summary-Focused Group Discussions/submissions

Access to Information

Most of the discussants bemoaned the lack of a law on Access to Information
(ATI) and its effect on the practise of journalism in Zambia. The discussants
noted the protracted campaign for a law on ATI and the continued impact it
had on their need for information to support investigative stories in certain
instances. Discussants stated that in some instances, they access public
documents and information by relying on the good will of those in public
offices while others stated that they sometimes have to use ‘check book
journalism’ to access public information from government sources. The
discussants also observed the unnecessary delays in accessing information
from Ministries and other spending agencies as they are often referred to the
Permanent Secretaries who are not usually forthcoming. As a result, they
noted that stories are sometimes published without balance.


Media operating environment

Discussants generally described the media’s operating environment as free,
especially in comparison to the same period in the previous year where several
facts of hostility against the media, including political violence, were recorded,
thereby creating an environment of suppression/fear. The discussants noted
that during the period under review, government officials and sources were
easily accessible while good will was shown from the office of the President
with regard to safeguarding the media’s operating environment. Some of the
discussants, however, noted the lack of professionalism from some media
practitioners as a threat to the continued free operating environment. They
noted the influx of individuals masquerading as journalists and the lack of
adequate research by some journalists as threats to the operating
environment. They also noted the continued practice of intimidation mainly
from Police officers at special events despite certain interventions to improve
relations between police and the media, a cause for concern, stating that it
inhibited their ability to effectively interact with sources at such events.


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