
Constitutional reform process stalled


Failure of MECOZ to live up to expectations


Poor newspaper sales


No changes to penal laws impacting on the media


Poor training environment for journalists; classes meant for 25 now have as many as
50 students


Pay and conditions of service for journalists still not adequate


No relief in tax/duty regime for imports for the media industry

The main drivers or actors for negative developments:

The political leadership has stalled reform processes and lacks genuine will to
democratize the media environment.


Most journalists do not play an active role in the media reform process.


There is no will on the part of media houses to sufficiently support the Media
Council MECOZ.


Media Associations are not doing enough to sensitize journalists and the public/civil
society on the Freedom of Information Bill and other issues pertaining to the media.

The main drivers or actors for positive developments:

Collaborative efforts of all media associations and a sustained TV/radio campaign
for media reform in the face of all odds


Some Members of Parliament who supported legislation on ZNBC, IBA and Freedom
of Information


Churches which provided channels for communication


The public in general which lent effective support to media reform campaigns

Some of the activities needed over the next few years:

Engage the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services and the Attorney
General to get the broadcasting legislation implemented and the Freedom of
Information Bill back to parliament


Engage Attorney General on media law reform generally


Strengthen MECOZ to forestall statutory regulation of the media


Embark on a public awareness campaign to publicize the self-regulatory mechanisms

So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

Select target paragraph3